FirefoxOS Intensive Workshop

Dietrich Ayala, joined us to conduct a two-day intensive workshop in Bangalore at the community space, focused on Firefox OS advanced application development, covering topics such as user research, developer tools, performance, power and data efficiency, toolkits and libraries, debugging, all with a focus on the 128MB devices shipping in India today.

The workshop focussed on helping the participants learn how to write code for a range of typical use-cases, utilizing all of the features that the 128MB devices have to offer, with an overall goal of understanding the users and building powerful, relevant and performant apps that they’ll love.

All the participants who joined the event received a FirefoxOS phone to start hacking on it. The participants understood and grabbed knowledge on creating and publishing the apps to the Marketplace by end of the workshop

#Fx10 campaign at MozCoffee v10.0 event.